Beaver Hollow Activities



Day Time Event
Friday 7:30-10:30ish pm Karaoke
Saturday 9am Kids barrel train ride... fun!
  10am Kids games/ activities*
11am Kids arts and crafts on off weekends-
Adult darts/horseshoes/ corn hole challenge-self organized with enough participants...check in store for info
1pm Kids bingo
3pm Kids afternoon activities*
5pm Adult bingo
7:30-10:30ish pm Mixed Bag of fun on different Saturday's: Karaoke, Glow stick nights, dance parties, DJ's, Bands, kids pool party nights!!
Sunday 9-10am Kids barrel train ride
*Due to staffing availabilities, weekend activities will run mainly from end of May through Labor Day Weekend; As always, please check in the store for details or if you have any questions...Have Fun!!

**Karaoke and Arts & Crafts are sponsored by volunteers and are not guaranteed every weekend.

**Must have a minimum of 10 participants for Adult and Kids’ bingo.

On Holiday Weekends Check for:

*Ice cream Socials, Yummeee!*

*Back to back nights of Bingo, Bands, DJ's or Karaoke, Yippeee!*

*Sunday Events*

*Always a Chance of a Potluck dinner, Check in the store!*

( all activities and events subject to change)

2025 Special Event Calendar

~Always check in the store and see if there is anything special planned~

*denotes special events that will require prior sign up and advanced ticket purchase

please contact us for further details

+ adult bingo, candy bar bingo, karaoke, food vendor trucks, cornhole, horseshoes, tie dye, all to be announced so please watch schedules

all events and activities subject to weather and or interest/turnout

(all activities and events subject to change)
Date Special Event
5/24 Tie Dye, Memorial Day Parade, Chicken BBq, Candy Bar Bingo, Annie Probst
5/25 Kids Corn Hole, Adult Cornhole, DJ Brian
5/31 Crafts Suncatchers, Candy Bar Bingo, Water Wars Hey Ride
6/7 Scavenger hunt, Candy Bar Bingo
6/14 Games out back (possibly Wiffle Ball), Candy Bar Bingo, Water Wars Hey Ride
6/21 Horseback rides w/ Kelsie & Sam , Candy Bar Bingo, Adult Swim, Paint night w/ Get on Board
6/28 Foam Party, Candy Bar Bingo, Ice cream Social, Pool Party
7/4 Kids Cornhole, Parade @12pm, Adult Cornhole 2pm, DJ Brian
7/5 Tie Dye, Chicken BBQ, Candy Bar Bingo, Dave Glannon Band
7/12 Sand Art, Candy Bar Bingo, 3rd Annual Bigfoot hunt
7/19 Foam Party, Ice Cream social, Pool Party
7/26 Water Balloon Battleship, Water Wars Hey Ride, DJ Brian, Adult Swim
8/2 CHRISTMAS!! Foam Party, Santa and elves deliver gifts, Candy Bar Bingo, Christmas Hey Ride
8/9 Petting Zoo, Candy Bar Bingo, Water Wars Hey Ride, Foreign Matter
8/16 Sand Art, Candy Bar Bingo, Ice Cream Social, Pool Party
8/23 Water Balloon Battleship, Candy Bar Bingo, Chicken BBQ, Adult Swim
8/30 Kids Cornhole, Adult Cornhole, Candy Bar Bingo, Trick or Treat, Costume Contest, Haunted Hey Ride
8/31 Tie Dye, Fundraiser, Two for Jackson
9/13 Paint night W/ Get on Board

Thank you all for coming! We hope you enjoyed your stay with us!

Please drive carefully on your way home and come back and visit us again soon!

Your Hosts: Stanley T. Beaver, and a whole bunch of great people!